his Master Class Curated Career Skills training for Human Resource Professionals is a structured curriculum of training and self-study. The training will focus on helping HR professionals understand the part of employee career development for business productivity. Specifically, the training will focus on managing assessment interpretations so that the client can use the results for decision making, developing strategies to reaching goals, and talking about themselves in ways that matter to in the workplace. It focuses on the assessment interpretation process and how to engage the client, how to use coaching communication skills effectively, and how to build a client centered process in a business environment.
This course includes 6 hours of self study and practice.
Competences covered in this training are:
- Demonstrate knowledge of coaching techniques applicable to interpreting career assessments
- Plan and execute an assessment interpretation
- Identify productive strategies for handling client concerns or questions
- Utilize tools to help a client apply assessment results to career goals
This training is applied learning. Lessons will provide coaching content techniques, examples, and activities. Participants will learn through practice, quizzes, reflection, and observation. Integral to the training is practice and reflection.
This training will also incorporate the use of assessment tools commonly used as a part of the career development process. .
This robust elearning system will support the development of knowledge and skills.
For more information about course details and how to register for the course, contact Dr. Constance J. Pritchard (constancejpritchard@outlook.com or 609-231-9059).
- المعلم: Constance Jenkins Pritchard