These courses are customized for the needs of educational institutions wishing to enhance or develop a career development knowledge and practice in their organization.  Dr. Pritchard brings over 20 years working with education systems. This  perspective is coupled with an indepth knowledge of career development, its educational applications, and business relations.  She has also been awarded the title of Master Trainer and NCDA Fellow.

Working with a team, Dr. Pritchard was the lead designer of NCDA's School Career Development Advisor training format and elearning system.  In addition, she had significant input into the Certified School Career Development Advisor credential.  She is an NCDA School Career Development Advisor and Facilitating Career Development Instructor.  She has provided these trainings for school counselors, CTE professionals, and career advisor/specialists.  

In addition to customized trainings, Dr. Pritchard can offer NCDA's FCD training or NCDA's SCDA trainings as stand alones or as one integrated course.   The trainings can be delivered entirely remotely or in a combination of media (face to face, remote, and elearning).  Any course will be supported by a robust elearning resource with additional materials and tools for application with students or parents  

Contact Dr. Constance J. Pritchard or 609-231-9059 (US East Coast time) for more information.  

Welcome to our Master Class Assessment Tools Administration and Interpretation training. We're looking forward to learning together through this elearning systems, our live webinars, reflection, and practice. Below find a little bit about my background and career related materials from my own practice.  

The Curated Career Coaching Skills training is a structured curriculum of training and self-studyThe training will focus on helping career advisors manage assessment interpretations so that the client can use the results for decision making, developing strategies to reaching goals, and talking about themselves in ways that matter to potential employers.  It focuses on the assessment interpretation process and how to engage the client, how to use coaching communication skills effectively, and how to build a client centered process. 

Competences covered in this training are:  

  • Demonstrate knowledge of coaching techniques applicable to interpreting career assessments 
  • Plan and execute an assessment interpretation
  • Identify productive strategies for handling client concerns or questions 
  • Utilize tools to help a client apply assessment results to career goals .